Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2001 09:58:17 +0100
From: David Gardner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux boot floppy (was Re: Anyone with a Linux...)

Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone has got the floppy_cs patch for the pcmcia
sources to work with a recent (ie. 2.4.5) kernel?  I remember getting
it to work on a 2.4.0-pre, but can't get it to work on a newer
version   :(    I don't have too much time to look at it at the
moment, but I will try to update the patch if no-one else has done
this already.

Once I get this to work, I will produce some bootdisks/rescue disks,
which may or may not be helpful to others on the list   ;)

Many thanks,


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