Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 10:57:04 -0400
From: Jonathan Towne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: in-car libretto MP3 audio player


On Thu, Jul 12, 2001 at 06:40:47AM -0700, Richard Harrison scribbled:
# Well my on going experiment of turning my Lib 50 into a jukebox continues.
# To date I've:
#       overclocked the Libby to 100

I should do this, my 50ct still runs at 75mhz and plays
mp3 audio (downsampled to 22100khz) without skipping.

#       installed a 13 gig hard drive

I should also do this .. I'm still using my 810meg drive :)

#       replaced Explorer with LiteShell

I replaced it with FreeBSD.

#       tried about 15 players to find one that wouldn't skip/stutter

I use mpg123 .. command-line player for most any OS.

# So, here are my remaining problems after spending two weeks on holidays with
# the Libby in the car.
#       It still takes TOO LONG TO BOOT!  it can take five minutes from pressing
#       the power button until I start hearing tunes!

I agree .. i use the 'hibernate' feature on mine, which cuts a
few minutes off, but still takes a while.

#       Occasionally it would still stutter.
#       Twice it shut down due to overheating.

Never had this problem.. one idea is to flip the libby on its
top so that air can get to the bottom more easily.. just a theory,
but maybe? :)

# I admit I've got a pretty high standard I'm trying to hit, but I think it
# should be attainable.  Essentially, I what the Libby to behave like an audio
# component.  No one would accept a CD player that took five minutes to start
# up.  No one would use a radio that skipped occasionally.  All I want is
# perfection!

Very attainable, except maybe the startup/shutdown times..

# Now I'm back to exploring other options.  I'm convinced that the real
# villain it Windows, so I'm asking the list for other suggestions.

FreeBSD! (or maybe Linux, but i find Linux slower on my un-upgraded libby)

# Ideally, I thing I need an OS without a GUI so that I can get a quicker boot
# time.  But, I still need a player that will handle the huge number of songs
# I have.  So far, I've been looking for a DOS player, but can't find anything
# that will do more that play one song at a time or may be a sub directory at
# a time.  Also, stopping to type in command line stuff isn't very safe in a
# moving car!

I suspect that I wouldn't have to downsample at all, but you hardly notice it
anyway .. I'm using FreeBSD 4.1.1-RELEASE (should be upgraded, but it works,
so why bother?) with XFree86 3.3.6, even, and an older (pre-GNOME-crap)
version of icewm.. I've rigged a custom program to allow me to close the lid
and use one of the mouse buttons as a 'skip to next song' feature, as per
a suggestion I read on this list a while ago..Pictures of my setup can be
found at

If anyone wants this program, I'm sure I could dig up the source
that I used .. it isn't all-original code, I cheated and found an
xlib example and went from there..

# Can anyone suggest a DOS player or a Linux console player?


# Can anyone make any other suggests?

I'm sure I could, but lets not make this reply too huge, for now :)



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