Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2001 17:14:40 +0800
From: Adrian Ho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: libretto sucessor?

On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 02:10:43AM -0700, Andy Lawn wrote:
> For right-pondians, the Diamond Mako is in fact a Psion Revo, so $99 is a
> _very_ good price.  Not sure if either of the reatailers David mentioned
> will ship internationally, but I'm almost tempted to find out - does -- I just ordered one, but they may be backordered.  (And
no wonder -- most other places are retailing at 2-3x that!)

> however as I've already got a Libretto and a Palm I can't really
> justify another little "toy" at the moment.

You have to justify "toys"?  8-)

- Adrian

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