Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 11:12:02 -0700
From: "venture" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB]  PCMCIA problem fixed!

Hi All!

I recently posted my woes concerning my PCMCIA modem dying and my floppy
drive getting crushed (by Canada Post - as always - putting the floppy drive
in a box to be sent was actually an error, and I paid the price for my
carelessness!).  Anyhow, I tried using a pin to raise the connectors on the
old PCMCIA card and I fiddled the same way with the connectors on the
'cable' that connects to the telephone, all to no avail.  That was a good
suggestion and one which I wouldn't have come up with on my own, but in this
particular situation I was dead, dead, dead.  Oh well!   The thing would try
to connect but never got to the phone line.

So about an hour ago I got a brand spanking new 56k PCMCIA modem and it
works!   Yeah!   So now I can actually remove things from the Libretto and
get things to it.   It is no longer a rapidly diminishing island. . .  I had
this problem for about 2 years before finally resolving it, so you can
imagine that I was ecstatic upon seeing a connection with the rest of the

Thanks for all the suggestions!



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