Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2001 21:56:54 +0800
From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIBRETTO] Raymond's Solar Reply

>Would "brownout" occur due to lack of Voltage or lack of

Well the solar panel has a reasonably high internal resistance so the answer to your 
question is both - an inability by the panel to supply sufficient current (eg. under 
clouds, trees, etc.) will result in an increase in internal resistance resulting in a 
lack of voltage at the output.

>I plan on charging most of the day, with minimal use in the

Thats probably the best option - like I said, you DON'T want to run electrical stuff 
straight off a solar panel (unless its pretty tolerant like a little motor or a clock 
or something). You'd be better off probably charging an external pack (ie. NOT the 
Libretto's internal pack - in fact you might want to junk that altogether). 

>There exist bike mountable units which could supply as much
>as 20 Watts at 15 Volts in direct sunlight.

Yes, in DIRECT sunlight. Those claims vary wildly - you'd do well to actually try it 
out because I doubt you'll constantly have full summer sun falling onto that thing. 
Take their claims with a very large grain of salt - a bit like laptop battery life 
claims ;-)

>However, what
>troubles me is that the Power fluctuation inherent may cause
>the lib circuitry to reject a diminished supply

Thats why you charge an external pack. There are circuits out there that'll regulate 
your power for you so the battery charges nicely even as your panel illumination 
fluctuates wildly (remember, the battery doesn't care if it charges a bit at a time). 

>This would not be a problem in itself, but
>would be a problem if prolonged exposure to Power
>fluctuation damaged either circuitry or battery.

It'd probably confuse the hell outa the libby, certainly the charge regulator in it 
will keep cutting out on you. LIke I said, a regulator circuit designed for use with 
solar panels would be your best bet charging a totally separate battery pack (which 
you could then use to run both your satphone and your libby, both without their 
internal battery packs). 

>Can anyone recommend a solar guru? Will anyone give me Bill
>Cotten's address?

Who's Bill Cotten?

- Raymond

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