Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2001 14:33:10 +1000
From: Dan Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] lithium-cells... i found a cheap supply! but are


   Don't know about the AH of  each cell, they are wired in series and 
parallel... they are the exact same size as the one's in my 50ct...

   The panel is actually 4 single panels that are 60mm wide and 250mm 
long I got them from a Sydney mob.
   The battery is charged and I just keep it topped up with the panel..
   Perth.... couldn't you get any further away? :)


Raymond wrote:

> Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2001 09:43:40 +0800
> From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LIB] lithium-cells... i found a cheap supply! but are
>   they right???
>> I have found a source for battery packs that contain 12 cells identical to those in 
>the 50-70 pack, however before I try them I need you guiys to answer a question or 
>two... I have no way of charging these packs and I don't know what state of charge 
>they are in, however I am getting about 2.6 volts out of each cell and on a full 
>short they provide about 5-10 amps... so, I was under the impression all lith-ion 
>batts were of 3.6 volts... am I mistaken?
>>  I don't want to put three in my dead batt pack and then over voltage them when 
>they are charged by the lib...
>>  Anyone got any ideas? Neil? Raymond? (by the way Raymond, I am in Geelong Vic. 
>where are you?)
> I'm not a LiIon cell expert but generally speaking the voltage per charged cell for 
>a given battery technology is the same regardless of capacity. Don't short the 
>batteries out though, thats a sure way to kill them young - generally battery packs 
>for laptops won't like to be discharged faster than 2/C (then divide by how many 
>cells happen to be in parallel). Oh and I'm in Perth, W.A.
>> These packs (12 cells brand new) are available to me through a tech at a laptop 
>firm, he hasnt got a price yet but he thinks about $150 AUD, for you guys in the UK 
>or USA they would work out very cheap! If they work I can get a few...
> Thats not bad! ... What AH rating is each cell?
>>  Next topic:  Solar Panels
>>  While hiking I use small solar panel on the top of my pack (the weight is 
> How big is this thing?
>> to charge a 7ah sealed lead-acid that beast runs the lib 50 for about 8 hours which 
>is more than enough, it also powers my GPS, recharges my digital camera battery and 
>Palm V, I then have moving map where ever I am as well as 5 gig worth of photo 
> How long does the panel take to charge the lead acid cell from flat? Or do you 
>charge it first then just use the panel to prolong the runtime?
>>  Using a panel to RUN a lib is not worth the trouble, you would be towing one 
>behind you on a small tralier to get enough out of it and the fluctuations in current 
>would cause your lib to get upset and try to hitch-hike home without you...
> Hehe with the Libby's almost cute looks I could believe you ;-)
> - Raymond
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