Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2002 22:09:12 +1100
From: Dan Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] The simple things!

How much did it cost Chester? I take it you have tried it and it works....

   Very Interesting...

Dan Baker.


> Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2002 09:19:05 GMT
> Subject: Re: [LIB] The simple things!
> Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2002 14:56:21 +0700
>>> I think USB into 70CT won't go - because the PCMCIA slots are not CardBus 
>>> and the 70CT port replicator doesn't have USB
>  I went through asking about getting USB set up on my L70, but as I recall, I 
>  was told it's impossible because the L70 runs a 16 bit ISA bus, and USB 
>  needs a 32 bit PCI bus.
>  Matt
> I'm always amazed at the way things work......yesterday I make my first post to this 
> asking about USB
> connections to my 70CT and today I wander into Circuit City to buy a 50 pk of 24X 
> for 1¢ after the rebate.
> So, I write my check and casually ask the clerk if he knows of a PMCIA to USB card
> whereupon he takes me to
> a shelf where there is a new product - an Orange Micro, Inc., PMCIA card (with 
>external AC
> power included) to 
> FOUR (yes, count 'em....FOUR) 2.0 USB connections. Now I don't even need an expander 
> - I can even plug a
> mouse and a keyboard into this card along with my external HD case and a CF card 
> Amazing, and less stuff to 
> carry.....the simple things!
> Chester
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