Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2002 08:32:24 +0100
From: "Gerhard Kapusta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: AW: [LIB] WinXP/2000

Hi DrCursor!

> Just wondering if there Is support for the IR port of the 110
> on windows
> 2000 and or XP.

I don't know about XP.

Initially Mirosoft tried to introduce a new IR-protocol with Win2000 and all
mobile phone users should throw away their phones...
But there are still no Win2000-IR-compatible mobile phones on the market.

Then third party vendors created Win2000 drivers for IR (e.g. Extended

Now Microsoft has created a Hot Fix which introduced standard behaviour for
IR within Win2000, it will be in cluded in the coming SP3.

> Are there any driver problens when installing XP/2k like
> floppy sound or
> video?
I don't know about XP (can't imagine that this make sense on a Lib!) but
there are no driver problems for Win2000.

> Even with 2k/xp should I still use CPUidle/CpuIdle Pro, and is there a
> better program?
> (I'm specially interested in longer battery times)
I have tried CPUidle and similar programs, my recommendation is: absolute
unneccessary if you use WinNT or Win2000. It even has some disadvantages on
this systems.
Use all the power management features (a Win2000 driver is available) to
save battery, you can't do more!


Gerhard Kapusta

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