Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2002 23:37:35
From: "neil barnes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] Long file name utility?

I'm coming to this late - but is the situation that windows won't boot, but 
other files are required? It seems to me that in this case the easy way 
would be to stuff the disk in a desktop as a second disk - not the boot 
disk. I know this has been my battle cry of many moons now :) but the 
desktop windows system will be able to see the long file structures and long 
file names. Zip and replace as required.

There's a subtle and not-well-documented problem that can occur with lfns on 
w95 - and I assume later version. micros~1 labels are apparently allocated 
in serial order as the files are created. Suppose you have three files 
created in order with the names micros~1, micros~2 and micros~3, and then 
the file micros~2 is erased. On the source, we have micros~1 and ~3, and if 
we copy them with xcopy (with appropriate switches - i forget), the 
destination will list them as micros~1 and ~2.

Which is fine...provided you don't have any shortcuts to ~3...cos now it's 
gone, it's broken. Damn!

>Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2002 14:10:09 -0800
>From: Casey Karp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [LIB] Long file name utility?
>Witty, wise, weird, and wonderful, Matthew Hanson wrote at 01:36 PM 
>>Well... this is an option, but it looks like a rather grueling method.  In
>>order to make an image of one subdirectory of C:\Windows\Application Data,
>>I'd have to create a batch file with all of the root directories of C:\
>>and C:\Windows\ with the -skip command at the beginning of each line.
>"Grueling".  Now there's a word you don't see spelled correctly very often
>these days.  <laughter>  Agreed that it would be a pain in the rear; when I
>need to do something like that, I tend to rely on "tree > tmp.txt" and a
>text editor.  Under Windows (if Windows is loadable), the easy solution is
>to select the directories in question and use the "Send to clipboard as
>name" command from the MS PowerToys.
>>But I've already obliterated one partition with Ghost about a year
>>ago.  One wrong slip oon the command line.... and POOF!  :<0
>Yup.  I've screwed up a couple of systems that way too.
>>Good suggestion though.  It is a possibility.
>Later thought: don't Win95/98 come with a program for backing up long
>filenames?  Could you use that to back up the long names and then use
>something like pkzip to back up the actual files?
>         C.

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