Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2002 22:16:26 +0800
From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] Win2000 & Libretto 100CT

At 06:01 AM 18/02/2002 -0800, you wrote:
>Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2002 22:57:27 -0300
>From: "Leonardo Armesto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Win2000 & Libretto 100CT
>I wanna now if the "Windows 2000 Professional" works fine on a Libretto 100CT with 
>166Mhz Bus, 64Mb RAM and 2.1Gb. and
>what Operating system do you recommend me.???
> - Windows 98 SE  or
> - Windows 2000 Professional

Personally I'd recommend Win95b or Win98SE ... installed just right they can be as 
stable as Win2k and faster for lower-end processors. Having said THAT, they do get 
touchy ... it can take 2 or 3 installs to get them just right (having said THAT, the 
factory install of Win95b on my old L50 was and is rock solid, I'd say its MORE stable 
than the Win2k installation on my desktop even when running multiple applications on 
16 meg of RAM!). I've also had Win95 and 98 installs on other Toshiba laptops that 
have been rock solid (I even got a WinME install rock solid on a Satellite 30CDT but I 
was never able to recreate it) but it can take 2 or 3 tries. 

Win2k is 'relatively' stable out of the box, in general more so than 9x but you do pay 
for that in speed. Its also a more 'involved' operating system - its more mucking 
around. For a desktop system where you know you're going to bash it and you're willing 
to tweak it and it has the power to pull it all off I'd recommend 2k but for an older 
computer I'd hesitate on that ... if the applications you want to run will work on NT 
I'd recommend that over 2k, if you're willing to spend a bit of time (in fact it'd 
probably take as much time as trying to get all the stuff together for a 2k install) 
getting the initial install right I'd recommend 95b or 98se over both of them from a 
speed, memory and disk space point of view and in the light of the fact that you CAN 
get it as stable as 2k/NT (assuming its not a 'bash around' system). Besides, 64 meg 
RAM will make Win2k go but it'll make Win98 fly.

Of course, there's always Linux ;-)

- Raymond


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