Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2002 14:28:35 +0000
Subject: Re: [LIB] Charge / Run ..

Hi Raymond,

Raymond wrote:

> >If I manage to find one or the Air / Car power converter / lead thingy,
> >can someone what happens using that on a 50CT please.
> >
> >ie, Will it only charge the battery, run the L or both at the same time
> >etc?
> Librettos with model numbers 50 or below can either charge the battery or run the 
>libby but not both at the same time (you can hibernate the libby and charge though).

[T] Ok on that ..

> The L70 and above can do both at the same time but it'd take ages to fully charge a 
>battery with the libby turned on (we're talking 10 hours or so on, 3 or so hours off).

[T] Ouch! 10 hours! .. I started to think the 50 was a mistake then I read the rest of 
that para and it's not so bad! ;-)

> The libby doesn't care if its running off an AC adapter or off an air/car power 
>adapter, as far as its concerned, they are the same.

[T] Cool .. just got to get one (Air/Car) now ..  the 'Mobility' unit appears a few 
time on the USA eBay  .. is that what I want? I might also try some of the external 
battery 'tricker' ccts .. for when I don't need the engine on ..

> Hope this helps!
> - Raymond

[T] It does indeed! Thanks very much Raymond ;-)

T i m

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