Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2002 20:08:18 -0500
From: "Pres Waterman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] Some answers please?

don't overclock it). What do you need to run off the serial port? It might
well be faster/easier to use the infrared serial port, its a (relatively)
trivial matter adapting most serial devices to run off that. Of course, your
OTHER problems

Please explain how to take the following serial devices and trivially adapt
them to IrDa so I can easily use them with my Libretto:

1    Icom PCR-1000/100 computer cotrolled receiver ) COM1-2 @ 9600/38400 baud

2    ADP Auto Dealership DMS system ( a terminal or a communcations program
called REFLECTIONS talks to "the box' on COM1-->8 ) @9600/19200 baud

3    Motorola RIB box clone by Polaris Industries ) unknown rate but the software is
COM1-->2 only

4    Motorola Star-Tac ST-7768 digital cellular phone

I have several other things in my arsenal that use a serial cable and would
love to cut the cord. Or did you mean the equipment manufacturer must
somoehow have planned for you to "adapt" to IrDa use?


Pres Waterman, W2PW
c/o 112 Motors, LLC
Long Island Ford, Kia and Used Dealer


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