Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2002 02:43:16 +0000
From: "Matthew Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB]Solved?: SERIOUS boot problems with EZBios!

>Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2002 16:29:32 EST
>In a message dated 2/17/2002 1:34:03 PM Mountain Standard Time,
> > Previous to this whole debacle, I had booted to a floppy, and re-
> > formatted
> >  the current active partition from the floppy in order to install a >  
>copy of
> >  Win95 for testing purposes.  So the present active partition is not
> >  bootable, and I can't get by EZBios to boot from the FDD!
>I'm afraid there's no divine inspiration in this suggestion, in fact you 
>may regard it as the suggestion from hell, but as a last resort, boot from 
>the original EZBIOS bootable floppy and start over again  :^(

Well... that turned out to be very close to what seemed to fix the 
problem... and I have no explanations as to how it did it.

After taking a break and cooling my treads for a few hours, I realized I 
hadn't tried booting directly from a FD, and not waiting for the EZBios 
prompt to hit CTRL to boot from FD.  So after a sufficient timeout, I went 
back, stuck the EZDrive FD in the FDD, and booted.  It wouldn't boot!  And 
left me with the splash screen and a ghost of the A:\> prompt that gave me a 
new one each time I hit enter.

Erg...  I tried booting from a Win98 rescue disk, but nada.  I forget what 
happened there.  Alas, I gave one last futile attempt to get the EZBios 
prompt, hit CTRL for the 1001th time, and hope the 1001th time would be 
magic.  Well... it was!

I can only gather that by trying to boot directly from one of those two FDs, 
somehow something was reset somewhere.  Like all that uncertainty?  Let's 
see.... wasn't that Heisenberg?  I suppose he could have explained this 
somehow.  ;-P


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