Date: Fri, 01 Mar 2002 06:07:46 +0000
From: "Matthew Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] Best VFM drive for my 50CT please?

>Date: Fri, 01 Mar 2002 07:02:11 +0800
>From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>At 02:50 PM 28/02/2002 -0800, you wrote:
> >Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2002 17:44:54 -0500
> >From: Pres Waterman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: [LIB] Best VFM drive for my 50CT please?
> >
> >>
> >> I've now got 266M of disk space free on the 810M drive and a 9.5mm Tosh 
>HDD2144 sitting here looking at me? << <
> >>
> >> At 9.5mm thick, is this ok to fit inside the libby (washers out etc) or 
>would I 'really' be better off buying a new sub 9mm drive of some sort? << 
> >
> >Don't do it.
> >
> >I have now owned 2 L50's in my life that have been damaged by HDD 
>insertion. It doesn't fail right away... but it does< <
> >
> >Get an 8.45mm HDD and call it a day< <
>You removed those spacers and it still failed? I removed mine and the HDD 
>is practically a drop-in fit ... no pressure on the motherboard at all.<

Maybe you've responded in a post I haven't gotten to, but I'll reply here 

Yeah Pres... I didn't realize anyone had had problems with dropping a 9.5mm 
drive into the L50s or L70s.  You say above that the L50s were damaged "by 
HDD insertion."  This implies to me that during the process of inserting 
and/or removing the drives, you damaged components on the the MB.  I was 
always under the impression that as long as the spacers were taken out, that 
there would be no physical contact or heat problem.


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