Date: Sat, 02 Mar 2002 07:31:17 +0000
Subject: Mobo damage from thickies or not?

Hi Matt (All)

Matthew Hanson wrote:

> Of course I don't know the full circumstances surrounding these other
> failures.  Had they shoved their HDDs into their Libs once or twice BEFORE
> finally removing the spacers?

[T] Good question, and if the case and that was the only reason something failed
then I am happy about fitting the 6G (Tosh HDD2144) that's just begging to
upgrade my 50?

>  Were they being operated in extremely hot
> conditions that the larges HDD affectewd somehow?

[T] I know (most) things expand when they get hot but I don't think a 9.5mm
drive would be able to expand enough on it's own to do any damage if the fit was
'reasonable' in the first place would it? Of course, the rest of the Libby would
be expanding / shrinking at the same time and could make matters worse?

> Still, it seems I've read where a lot of people have bought and installed
> 9.5mm HDDs recently.  And I don't remember and posts about problems with
> those.

[T] From what I think I have read (and I'm new to all this don't forget), one of
the 'problems' seen when / after fitting 'bigger' drives is that some components
get ripped off the motherboard and other joints are put under strain and then
fatigue / crack / break?

> Though I'm great at missing huge things that are taped to my nose.

[T] Sometimes we can't see the "Wood for the trees" though eh?

> Matt

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