Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 07:08:11 +0800
From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: AW: Re: [LIB] Lib 1100 panel-mounted mouse - how quick and

At 02:20 PM 14/03/2002 -0800, you wrote:
>Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 22:09 +0000
>Subject: AW: Re: [LIB] Lib 1100 panel-mounted mouse - how quick and
>|Ya you end up doing things like tapping 4 times to emulate a right click. No thanks. 
>And how will you do a |right drag? Or a mouseover (as opposed to a mouse drag)?
>Dragging is easy and possible: I can drag on the CE desktop surface, in the Windows 
>explorer and in applications (not in PocketWord because not implemented for whatever 
>reasons): simply clicking and dragging.

Umm ... RIGHT dragging. LEFT dragging is (relatively) easy if a down-move-up is 
classed as a drag (and not a normal mouse move). I dunno about you but under PC 
Windows I right drag in Explorer all the time (to get the drag context menu).

>Tapping 2 times for a right click: Right drag = "alt"+click+drag.
>Sorry Ray, I do not know, what a mouse-over is. 

Where you move the mouse to a position (such as a link or icon) but don't click on it. 
If tapping 2 times is a right click then how do you double click? Double rightclick? 
And like you said, you still need another button (alt in this case) to do a right 
drag. What about a shift-rightclick (which you sometimes DO need to do)?

>For using my subnotebook, the most critical functions are the clicking and dragging 
>to use it like a PDA, when I am standing somewhere and want to use the subnote 
>holding in the left hand.

... and the screen-side mouse lets you do everything!

> Other complex things like right-clicking or right-dragging are usually not 
>necessary, when I am holding the subnote in the left hand. When I have a desk or an 
>other surface, I can still use a trackball or a cockless mouse without balls.

Heh I guess thats a way of putting it ...

- Raymond


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