Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2002 07:29:52 -0800 (PST)
From: "A. N. Bürümcekci" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CMOS battery problem with 50?

Hello to all,

  I plan on buying a Lib 50 on Ebay. The following is listed:
 The only problem with the unit, as with all Libretto 50CT's,
is the CMOS only charges when the unit is powered on, so it looses time
when left powered off for too long (More then 10
days). I do have a replacement CMOS battery (which I will include),
that will minimize the time loss problem but it requires
opening the case of the 50CT too install it (Which I havn't done).

  Is this true? If so, how hard is it to change the battery? Can this
be a cause for another problem? Thank you.

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