Date: Sat, 06 Apr 2002 00:24:24 -0500
From: David VanHorn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] [OT] RE: Digital cameras (danger Matt/Ray length exposition

>I think David is mistaken or has mistyped. With a slow lens you have lots 
>of depth of field *control*: the depth of field is small which means you 
>can use it to isolate elements of the composition. However, you must have 
>good control of the focus to achieve this. Not what you want for point and 
>click, and not what you want when you can't see a viewfinder image with 
>the same resolutiuon as the final image.


Pinhole cameras have tons of depth of field.
Another reason cheap cameras have such small optica.

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