Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 21:30:07 +0100 (GMT/BST)
From: Digby Tarvin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] SPAM ugh...

In my opinion the only safe way to read e-mail is with a mail client, not
a web browser.

Anytime I am in a situation where I am away from home and have to use
a Windows machine to read my mail, I *never* open a message from anyone
I do not know.

I currently use 'elm' though I know it is a bit antiquated, running
on BSD Unix. I still get tons of spam, but at least I know it can't
do any harm.

What I would like to do is find a way of rejecting all messages that
are in HTML, as 99.9% of the HTML e-mail I get is SPAM - and the remainder
should know better..

Currently about 30% of the messages I am receiving in my mailbox are SPAM,
and as the average size of this HTML rubbish is ten times the size of
legitimate mail messages, that is an infuriatingly low signal to noise
ratio -if my maths is not too rusty, that is about 80% of the data
received is rubbish :-/ ...

Also, there has been mention on another mailing list I subscribe to, of
a change of policy at such that they now sell e-mail addresses
to third parties (ie spammers). Anyone using yahoo might want to check
their current policy documents...

Does the '' group have a mailing list feed?


Lou S:
> Subject: Re: [LIB] SPAM ugh...


> Just reading a spam can tell the spammer all he needs to know. I read none 
> of the garbage that comes in. I block everything by domain name if possible 
> but never actually read the spam itself. If the spammer includes a command 
> in the email that tells your browser to go to their Web site to download a 
> jpeg file that wasn't in the email they sent you, they can place a code in 
> that jpeg request so they know it came from a specific email address which 
> will tell them that your email address is active = lots more spam because 
> they can now sell your address as "active" to other lusers of society 
> (spammers).
> The nice people on can better explain spamming to 
> you, they make an art out of killing spammers accounts, and they're pretty 
> good at it too. Spammers hate
> If your email account is strictly for the libretto server, then filter mail 
> based on the [LIB] which appears in the subject line of mail from the 
> server. Tell it to only accept mail with "[LIB]" in the subject line, 
> nothing else will get through.
Digby R. S. Tarvin                                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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