Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2002 09:54:25 +0200
From: Christian Gennerat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] Libretto/linux file system problem

neil barnes a écrit :

> 2.2.15.
> But it got worse - to the extent that trying to list half the files in the
> /home directory was crashing the calling program - so I updated the backups
> that I could, and rebuilt last night. I think I will go on to the Debian
> distribution, when I've downloaded another couple of disks - the testing
> package seems reasonably stable and has enough modern libraries that I can
> use recent software, which is a minor problem with M7.1

I think you have an early verion of reiserfs, with an early kernel. BAD
Now I am with Mandrake 8.0 base and ext3fs
~> uname -a
Linux bcv66vbb. 2.4.17 #3 mer mar 27 09:57:59 UTC 2002 i586 unknown
~> ls -la /home
total 32936
drwxr-xr-x   13 root     root         4096 fév  7 20:41 .
drwxr-xr-x   23 root     root         4096 mar 26 10:58 ..
-rw-------    1 root     root     33554432 jan 28 17:53 .journal

In each partition there is a big file that I can't remove

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