Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2002 21:42:16 -0700
From: "Renita Herrmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Libretto L3 Manual (English)

For all you other L1/2/3 owners out there!
Hi Steve, It's funny you ask...I have a friend who is Japanese, and she's
been reading me the manual. It's not the manual; the manual and the keyboard
coincide, but it's set up as a standard US keyboard. If you touch type,
you're all set. If you don't get yourself a picture of it, and transpose the
numbers and letters and symbols. The bright/dim keys DO NOT work in any way,
the manual says they do, but they lie. The only way to brighten the screen
is to PLUG IT IN. Very annoying. I know there's another way, just haven't
figured it out. Must ask Toshiba. The way to come out of hibernation is to
hit the on/off button and the space bar together. It hibernates the monitor
but not the rest, after 5 minutes on batt. There is some funny business with
the shift & letter keys (I haven't figured out which ones activate it) but
when I type, I look up and the cursor has jumped to home. I have been
getting lots of "we have recovered from a serious error" messages from
Microsoft, but I ignore them. I AM a serious error. Will let you know if I
come across any other jewels. Renita
----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Baker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Renita Herrmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2002 2:18 AM
Subject: Libretto L3 Manual (English)

Hi Renita,

Having seen a recent post from you in the Libretto mailing list, I see that
you are also the proud owner of a Libretto L3. Although I am the owner of a
couple of earlier Librettos (Libretti??), a friend of mine has an L3 and I
also contemplating getting one.

My friend got his from Japan. We originally thought that it had come direct
from Toshiba there, but learnt later that it was obviously from a retailer
there - who fitted a US keyboard and US Win2k Pro.

Everything that should be there is present in the package, including the
Japanese manual - wherein lies the problem. I am trying to get hold of an
English translation of the Japanese manual, and I wonder if you may possibly
have one. If you do not have one, any assistance that you can render in
describing the function of the additional keys on the keyboard that are
only in Japanese (they are mostly grouped to the right of the spacebar as I
recall) would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time, and in advance for any assistance,

Steve Baker
Riyadh  Saudi Arabia

PS: Given a resolution to this issue, I shall post it to the list - I just
wish to avoid any unnecessary 'clutter' in the first instance.

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