Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 07:59:24 +0000
From: "neil barnes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: UK libretto options stock clearance

Just received the flier from Morgan Computers ( 
with lots of Tosh offers, including:

o libretto carry case for 50/70 TCC150L £19.99
o battery charger adapter PA2504UY £4.99
o 10MB network card TPCENET £9.99
o libretto battery charger PA2499UE £29.99
o mini cardstation for l50/70 PA2718U £39.99 (aka enhanced port replicator)
o 8MB upgrade for lib 50/70 PA2055U £4.99 (hey, if you can't get hold of a 
16M, it's got to help!)

Also in the general flier bit,

o 2GB tosh type 2 pcmcia hard drive £69.99
o tosh 11Mb wireless pcmcia network card £59.99

Don't forget to add VAT at 17.5% in the UK or EU.

Any UK people missing stuff... enjoy. I've nothing but praise for Morgans.


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