Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2002 12:48:58 +0800
From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] Touch-Screen Libertto alternative from Fujitsu
  (P-1000 Lifebook)

At 09:12 PM 26/04/2002 -0700, you wrote:
>Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2002 04:05 +0000
>Subject: Re: [LIB] Touch-Screen Libertto alternative from Fujitsu (P-1000 
>|Believe someone here was looking for a Libretto to be outfitted with a 
>touch-screen.  Why build when you can buy, right?
>|d =)
>Here! After my email to all contacts including the CEO of EZSCREEN, I 
>received a inquiring email from sales. But after my suggestion of a 
>different procedure and a touchscreen retrofit for a non-touchscreen 
>Libretto they became quiet again. I suspect not enough business for them 
>to get their a$$e$ out of the chairs.
>But I personally would go for a VAIO U1 with touch-screen because of the 
>dimensions (I am still looking for a real mobile device to replace my 
>Jornada 690). The U1 is still to big to fit any 15cm suite pocket.

Hehe well I'm getting my new coat made with 2x20cm internal pockets and 
re-enforced lining so I can put my L100 and digital camera in my coat and 
not worry about them falling out or strangling me ;-)

- Raymond


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