Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2002 12:56:56 -0500
From: "John Musielewicz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Pockets: was [LIB] Touch-Screen Libertto alternative from Fujitsu (P-1000 

>But I personally would go for a VAIO U1 with touch-screen >because of the
dimensions (I am still looking for a real >mobile device to replace my
Jornada 690). The U1 is still to >big to fit any 15cm suite pocket.

I don't worry about pockets. My pockets are already full of stuff like tools
and there is no room for a computer. The Libretto (and the U1) fit nicely in
a case the size of a dayplanner. I just carry it around in my hand or throw
it into luggage. Its either that or a briefcase and briefcases are a pain. I
basically  replaced a HP 200LX with the Libretto. The 200LX fit in my pcket
once I displaced enough stuff but its not very mobil. I couldn't run
wireless modems and had a hard time with cellular modems. The libretto
handles both. Plus the libretto can run a web browser that handles https. I
can also run programming software that requires Windows and a 486 or better.
It was nice when I could do all my programming with a terminal program (the
200LX worked for that) but then I ran into a situation where just the
software itself required windows 95 and a 486 at least. I figure with a
pentium mmx and Win98 I'm safe for years to come. With the Libretto in
standby its almost like instant on so it comes close to a pda if I need to
use it for that. Which is pretty rare- the day I can't remember a phone
number or what's in a database is the day I might as well give it up. Would
be great if I could find some 3000 mAh 3.6 V li-ion cells to rebuild the
standard battery pack with though.


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