Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2002 17:20:17 -0700
From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] li-ion cells

I dunno ... the LiIon cells they've got listed as suitable do seem a little 
pricey considering you'll need 6 of them ... on the flip side though, 6 of them 
will get you a 4AH pack (where your standard high capacity pack will give you 
2.4AH) ... I wonder if the control electronics in the pack would freak if you 
put in 2AH cells ...

- Raymond


> Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2002 19:01:15 -0500
> Subject: li-ion cells
> Check out this link. Has li-ion cells for sale and located in illinios. 
> To good to be true.
> John

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