Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2002 22:52:52 -0400
From: "Lawrence Young" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Desktop hard drives (Warning: minimal [LIB]retto content)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Raymond" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Libretto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, April 28, 2002 10:23 PM
Subject: Desktop hard drives (Warning: minimal [LIB]retto content)

> Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 10:19:56 +0800
> From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Desktop hard drives (Warning: minimal [LIB]retto content)
> Hi all!
> OK this has minimal libretto content but I'm getting desperate and you lot
> seem pretty smart ... so here goes.
> I've been caught not once, not twice but 4 times by the infamous IBM
> DeskStar 75GXP bug. I had 2 30 gig drives die on me, sent them away,
> 3 months later I got 2 45 gig 75GXP drives back from IBM which have now,
> barely 3 months on, died of the same cause (indicated 3 or 4 loud rasping
> sounds followed by silence then a few more times then the computer locking
> solid when accessing certain parts of the hard drive).

No kidding. That's why there is a class action law suit against IBM on
75GXP. And also why IBM now decided to get out of hard disk business.

> Until now, I've had almost perfect faith in IBM hard drives but this has
> shaken my faith to its foundations. What are you people's recommendations
> regarding IDE drives from other manufacturers that are dependable and
> relatively quick, based on your experiences? I'm looking for
> recommendations for 7200RPM ATA100 or better hard drives in the 40-60GB
> range. I'd also be interested in experiences with companies that give
> pretty good warranty service (ie. it doesn't take them 3 months to replace
> a pair of hard drives!).

I still have two IBM disks on my two desktops. One is the first generation
7200 rpm DeskStar 10GB. Still running strong after about 4 years and a new
60GXP. Some say 60GXP does not share the problem with 75GXP. Some say
otherwise. Keep my fingers crossed on this one.

I've a Maxtor 20GB 7200 rpm disk died couple months ago after installed it
for only 2 years. Its warranty service is pretty good. I just went to
Maxtor's web site, put in the serial no and fill out a form and get a
replacement in weeks.

So, it leaves only two brands, Seagate and Western Digital which I haven't
used them for years.

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