Date: Thu, 02 May 2002 15:22:13 -0700
From: Chester Prudhomme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] W32.Klez.gen@mm virus floating around?


> Date: Fri, 3 May 2002 04:38:04 +0700
> Subject: Re: [LIB] W32.Klez.gen@mm virus floating around?
> >>> Actually, it apparently will open attachments without permission as
> >>> it did that to a friend of mine who had the correct security setting.
> >>
> >> Which software was the culprit?
> >
> > Norton AV2001, he also ran the Norton AV scan 3 times before it picked
> > up the infected files.
> I meant - which software opened the attachment despite having security
> settings which were supposed to prevent that from happening

I don't know, I'll call him tonight and ask him.


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