Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2002 07:24:48 +0800
From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Re[2]: [LIB] A special powful tool

At 12:33 PM 18/07/2002 -0700, you wrote:
>Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 20:27:07 +0100 (GMT/BST)
>From: Digby Tarvin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Re[2]: [LIB] A special powful tool
>My address has been misappropriated by the same sort of 'pondscum' of
>late, which I must say annoys me even more than the scum that keep
>filling my mailbox with garbage.

I know this doesn't help you *now* but may I recommend to you and others 
that you use different email addresses for every place thats likely to be 
picked up by spammers (easiest done by registering a domain then having 
<random something here>@<yourdomain> ... yes it costs money but then so do 
most decent email services now, besides think about the amount of time you 
waste to spam anyway ... that's why the address I use for this list looks a 
bit weird for instance) ... that way at least you know where they picked 
your email address from (so you can take action) and you can disable that 
account (or even better, get it to redirect back to the spammers ;-)

>I thought perhaps it might be because I try to be conscientious about
>reporting spammers to their ISPs and administrators of sites being
>used to relay spam - no doubt some of the reports end up in the hands
>of the spammers themselves, so I thought it might be an attempt at
>revenge by some of them.

Thats very possible. Not unheard of at all.

>Most people seem to think setting up filters is the best way to handle
>spammers, but that seems a bit irresponsible to me, as having all the
>knowlegeable users hiding behind filters just leaves the
>nieve net users at the mercy of the crooks.

I guess you could say that but you could also extend this to saying that 
putting a burglar alarm on your house is irresponsible because it 
encourages burglars to ignore your house and go for your neighbor. Now that 
filters are so easy to set, filtering email clients so widely used and that 
most ISPs have tutorials on the subject I think we could use filters with a 
clear conscience ;-)

>I sometimes think it would be worth buying one of these email lists
>that are constantly being advertised (obviously with my name on the
>list, so that more people can spam me...), and using it to send details
>of the spammer to everyone on the list. Given that the premise of
>spam is that if you send a scam message to a large enough group
>of people, even a small percentage of suckers out there to make you
>some serious money - I think I could similarly count on the small
>percentage that are homicidal psychotics so that the spammer would
>make Osama Binladen look like a good insurance risk....

Good idea but the problem is many spammers spoof their email addresses 
(I've had that happen before when trying to report them myself) ... you end 
up taking action against someone who had nothing to do with the spam and 
THAT can get you into an awful lot of trouble. If what I hear is correct, 
companies have been sued after retaliatory hack attacks that ended up at 
the wrong place because of spoofing for instance.

>Plus it would be the perfect crime for whoever did it. Can you imagine
>the poor homicide detectice being handed the list of people with a

*grins* ... *sigh* if only it were possible ;-)

- Raymond


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