Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2002 10:49:44 +0100
From: "Tim Aspell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIBRETTO] Libretto Digest #1740

Oh well here goes...

Does anyone know a UK supplier of Toshiba parts?
The Toshiba website is as clear as mud, and the human I got when
I rang for help obviously didn't have that question as one on her script

PS I'm still looking for the disk anyway ;-)

----- Original Message -----
> Subject: CT50 Diagnostics disk?
> Hi All
> My poor old faithfull libbretto 50 has got problems, the mouse (accupoint
> no longer detected at bootup by windows) has stopped working.
> I've dismanteled and checked all the connections on the ribbon cable and
> reassembled teh machine, now the LEDs work but still no joy with the
> I got a copy of the tech manual and I *should* have a diagnostics disk to
> with it, does anyone know where I can download it from please?
> I'd just like to check the obvious before I pay out for a ribbon cable or
> accupoint.

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