Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2002 22:03:35 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Chien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] Screen cleaning and AR films

  Here's what I do to clean spotty LCD screens.

  1) Rubbing alcohol and lint-free tissue.  Wipe and go. Forget about the
streaks for now; just concentrate on getting the spots off.  Should take off
just about everything.

  2) Now, second pass.  Not as damp with alcohol, but just partially.  Wipe in
circles and passes to get rid of as many streaks as possible.  Circular pattern
helps eliminate leaving more.  

  3) Quickly follow up with the 3M Scotchbrite High Performance Cleaning Cloth
available at KMart and elsewhere (in the kitchen supplies section of Kmart) or
a microfibre lens cleaning cloth (sunglasses, eyeglasses stores).  You'll have
to make numerous passes to gently, gently eliminate the streaks, but they'll go
with time.  wipe with a barely alcohol or wet cloth if needed just before
making another pass to get off stubborn streaks.

  4) oNCE THE streaks are gone, you're at the stage where you're trying to get
the LCD 100% dust and mark free.  Should be decently easy if you have a clean
cleaning cloth in hand, and for me, didn't take that long at all.  At this
point, anything that does land on it between this and applying the film can
almost always be blown off, or simply brushed off if you simply gently brush
the cloth over the LCD panel to sweep the dust off.

  5) Naturally, Once you're ready to apply the film, it should go quickly
before more dust lands.  You'll want to brush clean both protective films on
the main film itself to get rid of dust that can fall onto the LCD panel during
positioning.  You can try out various positions first just by laying the film
on the panel unpeeled, then when you've got the right position in mind, peel
off a short edge of the protective film on the stick side, and position that
end on the LCD panel.

     Pull about 1-2" off and press the AR film on the panel to keep it in
place.  Pull more protective film off the sticky side and keep going, pressing
down on the AR film as you go to keep it in place and MOST IMPORTANTLY to keep
the air bubbles out.  Press from center out to get those air bubbles out.

    Read my prior most on specifics of this.

    Once it's all in place, rub down everywhere with at least two protective
sheets of plastic between your fingernail back and the main AR film to prevent
scratches on it, and after a lot of this, it'll look decent.

d =)

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