Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2002 11:56:17 -0700
From: Tom Stangl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] Libretto Mentions

Dvorak is a major whiner, if things aren't EXACTLY the way he likes them, they
are "unusable".


> Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2002 14:19:01 EDT
> Subject: Libretto Mentions
> Reading the past 2 issues of PC Magazine, I came across these 2 Libretto
> mentions, seemingly somewhat at odds:
> The first, in a column by the estimable John C. Dvorak, calls the Libretto
> (no model specified, nor apparently relevant) "unusable".
> The second, from a news-ish section of the mag, discusses a new translation
> program called Tongues, written at Carnegie Mellon's Language Technologies
> Institute, and described thusly, in part, by researcher Alan Black:
> "Beli'eve [sic] it or not, the entire Tongues system runs on a Toshiba
> Libretto, a pint-size Windows notebook. Despite its complexity, the system
> has little trouble running on a three-year-old Pentium processor. "Two people
> can exchange a 10-second sentence in about a minute and a half," says Black."
> Looks like those idiots at Carnegie Mellon ought to check with Dvorak before
> selecting their equipment - all that intellectual investment wasted on an
> unusable PC!

| Tom Stangl, Sun ONE Internet Technical Support, Sun Microsystems
| Sun ONE Support -
| Please do not associate my personal views with my employer

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