Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2002 08:40:49 +0800
From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] HELP!!!! My 50ct can't boot up suddenly after

At 03:27 PM 18/11/2002 -0800, you wrote:
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2002 07:26:22 +0800 (CST)
From: =?big5?q?tradelink=20tradelink?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: HELP!!!! My 50ct can't boot up suddenly after overclock!!!!!

I am now using IBM 6.4G harddisk Travelstar 6GN (model
: DBCA-206480), it worked find until I overclocked my
Uh oh ...

I cut the pin 15 of W48C54A chip last night and hope
my 50ct will go up to 100MHz.

My bad dream come.....

My 50ct can't boot up again no matter I :-
1) boot up with floppy and "fdisk/mbr" or
2) boot up with floppy, delete my FAT partitions (I
used to boot from FAT partition), recreate them and
format/s the boot partition again
Yup ... and if you look in the archives, you'll realize that, of all hard drives, IBM seem to be the only one that has this problem unfortunately ... when you cut that pin to clock to 100MHz, you're raising the bus speed by 25%. Problem is you're also raising the speed of the IDE controller by that amount and it looks like the consensus is that the IBM drives are the only ones that don't like that ... probably it's fussy about rise and fall times or signal shape or something.

So there are 2 options ... downclock (solder that pin back) or get yourself a nice new 40GB Fujitsu/Seagate/Toshiba/<anything other than IBM>! I was using a Fujitsu 20GB hard drive in my overclocked L50 and it seemed quite happy ... it's also quite happy in my L100 which is clocked from 166 to 233 (but I *think* that's a multiplier clock and not a bus frequency clock).

Remember that you need a drive overlay to see beyond 1024 cylinders (about 8 gig). See my reply to David Nedved's post or search in the archives for .

Hope this helps!

- Raymond


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