Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2002 22:12:59 +0000
From: "Matthew Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] Audio and Mic Jacks

I'd like to replace the mono mic input jack with a stereo jack. Seems I recall looking at Xin's website and seeing the Yamaha OPL3-SAx chip having the capability of a host of inputs, including stereo mic and stereo line-in.

However after having done some testing with audio recording, I've found the noise level for the mic using the internal sound, and both the mic >and< line-in jacks on the WavJammer sound card are unacceptable for my purposes. I was trying to record the sound of my Fujitsu HDD, and found that unless I had a mic right up against the L100 case, both sound card & internal chip noise overpowered the sound of the HDD at any more than about 4-6 inches.

Wonder how that Roland sound card performs recording low level signals like these with a mic.



Hey all,

I've been investigating a little bit about the Libretto 100CTs audio jack
after overclocking it to 266. (BTW, thanks everyone for teaching me how to
install Win2k on a Lib without CD, worked like a charm). I was curious if
anyone ever replaced the 2.5mm mini audio jack with a 3.5mm audio jack? Could
this be done or is it totally not worth the trouble? I'm not fond of the
adapter and i'd really prefer to just plug headphones directly in.

Thanks again,


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