Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2003 17:57:12 -0800
From: John Liu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [LIB] Libretto #146

Thanks all and in particular David and Richard and apologies if I missed 
any other replies.

>chances are the battery is dead

OK, easily solved.

>Which CD drive do you have? The type of dive makes a big difference in how 
you install winXP.

I have something called an Archos MiniCD, basically a skinny CD-ROM drive 
with a PCMCIA interface.  When installing under Win98, I used the standard 
IDE hard disk driver.  How would I install with that drive?

>You might be more happy with win2K than XP. You are short on memory.

W2K would be OK with me, as long as I can manage the install.

>There are just a few screws to pull, if you want to add a new drive.

Yes, I should do that.  I see some how-tos on the web, and will follow 

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