Date: Fri, 04 Apr 2003 08:38:41 -0500
From: James J Dempsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] US cellphones

> Hmm ... thats what I was worried about ... the problem is apparently CDMA 
> phones in Oz aren't compatible with those in the US and vice versa ... in 
> terms of service cost alone, are the 2 comparable (ignoring the fact that 
> CDMA has better coverage)? Can you still get GPRS over CDMA?

GPRS is a GSM-specific protocol for "high speed data".  It gives you
approximately 56kbps max data rate.  The CDMA equivalent is called CDMA 2000
1xRTT (that's a mouthful) and gives you max data rate of 144kbps.  This is
available today throughout the Sprint PCS network and through most of
Verizon's network.  The next generation for CDMA is called CDMA 2000 1xEV-DO
with which Verizon is starting a public trial in Washington, D.C. and San
Diego in the 3rd quarter of 03.  1xEV-DO offers peak data rates of 2.4Mbps.

                       --Jim Dempsey--
                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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