Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2003 22:30:26 +0800
From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] Update/New Bios?

At 07:22 AM 22/10/2003 -0700, you wrote:
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2003 15:16:09 +0100
From: "Edward Foran" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] Update/New Bios?

Is in not possible to disable BIOS hibernation?
and get windows to hibernate?
or doesnt it work like that?

You can get Windows to handle hibernation normally (eg. you press the power button in hibernate-on-power or you go start>shutdown>hibernate). However, the Librettos have hardware alarms which can override this.

One typical example is when the battery runs low or the libretto detects a non-urgent power or heat issue. It'll completely override the operating system (if the OS doesn't intervene first) and perform it's own memory-to-disk suspend, at around about the 1024 cylinders mark.

Another example is when you suspend-to-RAM using normal means. The laptop is still using power at this point, albeit not very much (on my half-dead pack it drops about 2-3% overnight as a rough estimate). However, if you're right on the edge of the battery going dead (a situation I found quite common as one of my packs is nearing the end of its life), when the suspended laptop detects that the battery is getting to the point where it won't have enough power to safely wake up again, it'll wake itself up to the BIOS level (but not wake the OS), do a BIOS suspend to disk then power off totally. If you've ever suspended your libby so the orange light is flashing, went away, came back and found the orange light completely shut off, that's what has happened.

I just leave 200 meg or so of completely unpartitioned space around the 1024 cylinder mark and then don't worry about which suspend method the laptop chooses to use ... unless you're still using a 2 gig hard drive, you won't notice the 200 meg gone anyway and it means you've got a bit of a safeguard in case you botched the initial calculation as to where the hibernation region was.

- Raymond

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