Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2004 07:31:57 +0000
From: "Matt Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Replacement cells for L1x0  battery

Does anyone have current info on the best deals for replacing the cells in the L1x0 battery pack? I know John M. had found some pretty high power cells a while back. But I thought they were a bit pricey, and I don't think my battery had died yet. I searched the archives for a while, but i'm guessing that what was a good deals 1/2 year or more back isn't necessarily going to be what the best deals are now. I'm wondering if there's a source for a good deal on cells to rebuild a battery that may be a better, cheaoper way to go than buying a 'new' one on EBay. I seem to recall comments on the possibliliy that 'new' Libretto batteries on EBay may be already be a bit worn down right out of the box.


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