Date: Sat, 20 Mar 2004 21:23:12 -0800 (PST)
From: David Chien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] 1.8" HDDs

they're probably going to skip over the 1.8" HDs and move right into the sub-1"
market -- ala that latest Toshiba 0.8" HD.  No point going smaller if you're
not going super-small right?

But whatever, I think it will take quite an effort to move smaller than 2.5"
for now -- most laptop makers have standardized on it, and only the
mini-notebooks are using the 1.8" HDs.  Cost alone is a factor that'll prevent
the migration to more expensive 1.8" HDs.

As for connectors, we'll have to see -- they're still trying to see if SATA
will work in notebooks, or perhaps other connector formats.  I think it's going
to be quite a few years before the mini-HD market settles on any format, and
most likely, it'll be determined by what devices are the most popular and uses
which types of drives (eg. nowadays, 1.8" in the iPods are really popular in
sales, so that connector may become standard just because of volume production).

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