Date: Fri, 21 May 2004 10:22:42 -0700 (PDT)
From: Jim Drouillard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] Which 100CT chipset and cardbus controller?

>'Device Manager'.... ...doh!  Didn't think of that. 
>I've got a couple 
>different USB controllers on my 100CT:
>* NEC USB Open Host Controller [E13+]
>* USB Root Hub>
>Is the 'Open Host Controller' basiically what you're
>seeing in your 110 
>as a 
>'Toshiba ToPIC 97'?  And out of curiosity, do you
have >the 'USB Root Hub' 
>device in the 110 Device Manager too Jim?

ToPIC97 shows up under 'PCMCIA socket' (in Win2k it's
'PCMCIA adapters');  USB controller is not actually
part of Libretto.  You should only see that if you are
using the Enhanced Port Replicator or a Cardbus USB

>Oh gee.... what the heck was that free software that
>reports system 
>components... I just saw it breezing by something the
>other day, and 
>think of grabbing it.  Don't know if it gets that
>specific though.

According to WCPUID the chipset is 'Toshiba 601'; 
CPU-Z also shows model 601.


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