Date: Sun, 30 May 2004 21:11:30 +0000
From: "Matt Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] HELP - Can't Make Image of New Hard Drive

From: Mark Srebnik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> $#^%@< I'm not familiar with DriveImage. Does it work in DOS, Windows, or
> both?

It works in Windows only I least it opens in windows then does
some prep work then restarts Libretto as I whether it reboots in
Windows or DOS, I don't remember exactly...

> If you're working in DOS from your Libretto, your problem may be
> that your Libretto can't see HHDs larger than 8GB in DOS without drive
> overlay.


> Your other notebook seems to be capable of seeing the entire 60GB of the new
> HDD. Have you tried putting the 60GB HDD in the firewire case connected to
> your other notebook, and running DriveImage from there?
> Matt

Didn't think of that, but that's good idea!!

Although would be nice to get DriveImage working on Libretto...

Well, it very well may be a problem with the Libretto BIOS's 8GB HDD limitation. Windows can deal with it as long as it's running. But as I reported here:

"PM (Edit: Partition Magic) requires EZ-Drive to be installed on a >8gb HDD to work correctly in DOS booted from HDD or FDD, as well as when booted into Windows."

Your imaging problems with DriveImage may very well be similar to the ones I've seen with Partitiion Magic in that list post above, as well as similar problems I've had imaging a >8GB HDD with Norton Ghost. Ghost required the correct command line switch to be run depending on whether or not drive overlay exists on a HDD.

You might try installing EZ-Drive drive overlay, and then running DriveImage. Or see if DriveImage has a command line switch that gets it to run without errors.

EZ-Drive installs EZ-BIOS >very< easily. Once the installation program is run from a boot FD, don't use the 'advanced' or 'automatic' installation menu item at the top of the list (I'm a bit fuzzy on the name of the menu item) that will actually wipe and create partitions automatically. Choose the 2nd menu item from the top, I think 'EZ-Dribe Setup', or something like that. In there you can quickly install EZ-BIOS in one quick action. Remove FD, exit setup, and the system will reboot.

Then try DriveImage and see if it works.

EZ-BIOS uninstalls just as easily. But going into that EZ-BIOS setup as before, you have to 1st 'disable' EZ-BIOS (or EZ-Drive), save and exit that menu. Then go back in again, and select the 'uninstall' option.

If you want to try this, and can't find a copy of EZ-Drive, let me know and I'll send you a copy.


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