Date: Sun, 06 Jun 2004 09:39:24 +0800
From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] 50/70 plug dimensions part# needed

At 10:47 AM 5/06/2004 -0700, you wrote:

>Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2004 12:07:55 +0100
>From: barnacle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [LIB] 50/70 plug dimensions part# needed
>On Sunday 30 May 2004 01:57, you wrote:
> > Date: Sun, 30 May 2004 00:57:26 +0000
> > From: "Matt Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >Especially with concentric or jacketed connectors it can get a little
> > >ambiguous but I find a general rule of thumb that you look for the
> > > smallest pin or hole in a concentric connector, if it's a pin it's male
> > > and if it's a hole it's female.
> >
> > Ah so... now we're getting into the subject of absolute/dualist logic vs.
> > relativistic/quantum logic!  Where's my I Ching?
>Heh. I was brought up on XLR mains connectors. Nasty things, and easy to
>forget which way round was which.
>Generally, power comes *out* of a socket and goes *in* to a plug. That the
>plug is in the hardware and the socket on a wire is immaterial.

Hehe ... I've given up on using plugs and sockets to describe the 
electrical form of a connector, I just call them male and female connectors 

>But in this context, we've been describing the thing on the power supply by
>form, not function, and calling it a plug. Strictly, I suppose it's a female
>plug that plugs into a male socket.

I guess the problem here is in the wider English language, a plug is 
something that fits in a hole. The question is, is the connector itself the 
'something' (in which case the plug is on the line) or is the smallest 
contact in the connector (the thing we use to determine if the connector is 
male or female) is the 'something' (in which case the plug is on the 
computer). The inverse argument also applies for the socket. In this case, 
the purists might argue the second, the wider community (and by the looks 
of things, myself and Neil) might argue the first for the purpose of 
general discussion.

Of course, we know why power generally comes out of a female connector (or 
commonly the "socket") and goes into a male connector (or commonly the 
"plug") - it's because if the power source is switched on without a power 
sink, an exposed male connector can be accidentally shorted with a simple 
flat metal object whereas it's a lot harder to short a female connector 
accidentally (and, for the most part, shorting the power sink isn't as big 
a deal as shorting the power source). There are exceptions of course - 
mini-DIN power connectors seem to rely on the fact that the outside sheath 
is far enough past the pins that it isn't likely to be shorted accidentally 
(not to say it can't be done accidentally of course) ...

>The CPC site lists the bit on the PSU as a plug and the bit that gets plugged
>into as a socket.
>There's probably an group just for that...

Hehe ... of course, you then get into an argument about if a "jack" 
connector (as in audio jack or power jack) is male (sorry in advance to all 
those named Jack on this list!) ... IIRC IEEE Spectrum had a back-page 
article about that perhaps a year ago which was somewhat amusing ...

*looks back* ... gee how I rant on when I've just woken up ... hehe

- Raymond

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