Date: Tue, 8 Jun 2004 14:53:50 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Chien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] Hibernation Area Setup & Dual Boot OS Setup

> Are you saying that this needs to be an actual separate hard drive partition
> With it's own drive letter (E:, etc) ??

  No.  Simply leave it unpartitioned -- ie. unused.  Create your other
partitions around this space.  Partition Magic and Ranish Partition Manager and
Linux partitioning software can all do this for you.

  If you do create a partition on this area, you can simply resize that
partition using the above to move it outside of this hibernation area.

> Partition Information for Disk 1:    57,223.7 Megabytes
> Volume         PartType    Status    Size MB    PartSect  #   StartSect
> TotalSects
> =========================================================================
> C:                FAT32X      Pri,Boot 40,656.7               0  1
> 63       83,264,832
>                ExtendedX         Pri      12,009.5               0  0
> 83,264,895  24,595,515
> Info: MBR Partition Table not in sequential order.
>                        EPBR        Log      12,009.5          None --
> 83,264,895  24,595,515
> D:BACKUP       FAT32       Log      12,009.5  83,264,895 0  83,264,958
> 24,595,452
>                  Unallocated     Pri         4,557.5          None --
> 107,860,410   9,333,765
> Based upon the above, what should I do to create this hibernation area
> properly. Please be explicit as I'm not an expert in this kind of thing!

  Here, the C: drive is too big (40GB) and overlays the 8GB boundary.  You'll
have to resize it down <8GB.  Leave space after (eg. 128MB or more) for the
hibernation data.  Then use the rest of the HD for the extended partition.

  I can't say 'exactly' where the hibernation partition is since I believe it
varies slightly depending on HD size and so forth, but if you leave the
1000-1100 cylinders free (try it, can't guarentee w/o testing), then you should
be okay.

  (Otherwise, you'll have to do what I did earlier -- wipe drive space between
7-9GB empty - zeros - hibernate - unhibernate - examine HD with WinHex and see
where the hibernation data was written.)

> Currently, have Win98SE installed as my OS.
> Thought I'd use Win2K (or WinXP) on another partition and Linux on another
> partition. 
> Unless fellow Libretterati think it would make more sense to put Win2K (or
> WinXP) on my current partition and the Linux on another. Thus eliminating
> Win98SE altogether.
> So do I just use PartitionMagic to create another partition and then install
> OS there? Or do I need to do some other setup things as in Item 1 above
> regarding hibernation area, etc?

  Simply avoid putting a partition on the 8GB area, and you can do the above
just fine -- three primary partitions for the three OSs.  Doesn't matter and
will work fine.

  Rather excessive to have both W98 and W2k on the same computer however, so
I'd just pick one or the other and not install both -- unless there's just some
program you have that wants the other.

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