Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 10:05:33 +0800
From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] L.20 problems...

Are you trying to charge it with the libretto itself turned on or off? AFAIK the older Librettos only charged the battery when turned off. Also how long have you left it for?

Good luck!

- Raymond

At 06:25 PM 29/09/2004 -0700, you wrote:
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 02:18:55 +0100
From: "Richard Parkin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: L.20 problems...

I know this is a pretty old piece of kit, but it was very cheap and I am
hoping someone in here may remember how it works...

The 2400 mAh battery that came with it refused to charge, which I thought
was reasonable given its age.  I bought 2 new PA2497UR batteries that
various sites suggested were compatible, though they are only 1200mAh - and
these didn't charge either ;-(

So, is the charger circuitry in the Libretto itself dead, or do you need
some special power management tool for Windows 95?  Is a stand alone charger
a viable option?

Any and all suggestions gratefully accepted - except for "throw it in the
bin" ;-)

Richard Parkin

He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from
oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that
will reach to himself - Thomas Paine (1737 - 1809)


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