Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2005 14:09:08 -0800 (PST)
From: Matt Hanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [LIB] Dead L110


It >IS< a bios problem... but it's >EZ-Drive/Bios< come back to haunt me! 
Seems I can't read files properly without it... and now it wants to act up
and keep my system from booting when it feels like it.

I remembered that I would have this problem when I 1st installed this 110
MB.  I'd do something with the HDD in the Libretto, put the drive in the
desktop to tweak something, put it back in the Libretto, and it seemed
dead.  To get things set up so that I can read files properly, I had to
install EZ-Drive (we never found a way around my file error problems).  But
then if I wanted to partition safely, I'd remove EZ-Drive, and do
partitioning in the desktop that fully supports Int13 extensions.  I'd then
put the HDD back in the Libretto, and it wouldn't boot.  So at that point
I'd put it back in the desktop and install EZ-Drive from there, and then
it'd boot fine in the Libby.

So I just put the HDD in the desktop, removed EZ-Drive, put it back in the
Libretto, and it booted!

Got me.... I need some sunshine....


   ... at least the 110 is back in commission.

Anyone using EZ-Drive on >8GB HDDs with similar, unsolved booting problems
may want to try this themselves.

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