Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2005 22:48:08 -0800 (PST)
From: Matt Hanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] Slightly OT - BIOS Upgrade Fuji B142 Problem

Mark...  Have you tried making a very basic boot floopy with just the 3-4
necessary MS-DOS boot files, and trying the BIOS ugrade from that?

Method one: With blank unformatted FD in drive, type 'sys A:' (without
quotes) from a MS-DOS window.

Method two: Right-click on A: drive in My Computer, select 'Format', and
then choose 'Copy system files only'.

Maybe you're still having problems with the memory managers on the full
Windows boot FD even after disabling them.


--- Mark Srebnik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Even though this is not about my Libby 110CT....hope one of the great
> minds
> on this list can please advise anyway... ;-)
> Trying to upgrade the BIOS on my ol' Fujitsu B142 from what's installed
> now
> (v1.02) to the newest version I found on the Korean Fujitsu support
> webpage,
> v1.03. From what I understand this newer BIOS will allow me to upgrade OS
> to
> WinXP if I want. There's also a new touchscreen driver upgrade to go with
> it.
> So far, no go....
> Here's what's happened so far...
> 1) Put BIOS files on a floppy
> 2) Booted up from Win98 boot floppy into Safe Mode, DOS prompt
> 3) At prompt, typed: phlash platform.bin
>   Got PhoenixPhlash Error Message:
>   "Cannot flash when memory managers (e.g. HIMEM) are present"
> 4) Somehow disabled memory managers on boot disk and tried again.
>   Got PhoenixPhlash Error Message:
>   "File Close failed on BIOS.ROM"
> Any suggestions??
> Thanks,
> Mark
> Silicone Valley Libretterati
> 110CT/64MB/60GB 7200/WinXPP/AmigoLinux2.0

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