Date: Tue, 24 May 2005 11:16:04 +0400
From: Vitaly Pavlenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [LIB] OT - USB floppy ERD

> From: "Matthew Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> You have a USB floppy drive connected to your Libretto.

Matt, actually the message was marked off topic and applied to my desktop, just 
read the post.

> And you're asking if it will help restore W2K after booting from a W2K CD.

Not exactly. For sure ERD will help sometimes. I am not sure if USB floppy will 
be accessible when W2K setup asks for ERD.

> 1st... The Librettos won't boot from a CD-ROM drive.

BTW, mine boots just fine. SS1000. But I don't know if proper driver is 
available to install W2K from CD (it takes the drver, press F6 or smth. as it's 
not a standard controller)

  > In order to make repairs with the ERD, I >think< you have to access the

Now that the system works just fine I don't even want to try to fix it :). That 
is why I asked instead of trying myself. But the setup does prompt for ERD, 
that's for sure, without Recovery Console.


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