Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2005 19:45:42 -0400
From: "Tony Oresteen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] L2 and Japanese Windows


There are a couple of ways to do it.  Here's how I would do it:

1. Copy the WIN98 directory from the Windows 98 SE CD on  to a 128mb or
256mb CF card.  It's 121 MB of files.

2.  Boot the L2 using the floppy drive (I assume it has a bootable floppy)
and Partition Magic 8.0

3.  Create a 512mb partition at the END of the hard drive.  FORMAT it FAT.
Make sure the 1st partition with Japanese Windows is ACTIVE.

4.  Boot Windows on the L2 and open My Computer.  If you see  C and D drives
you can now copy the WIN98 directory files from the CF card (use a PCMCIA to
CF adapter). If you don't see a second drive it's because it's marked
"hidden".  Win98 will see multiple primary partions on a drive IF they are
marked with a status of NONE.  I use System Commander to do this.

5.  Re-boot Partition Magic 8.0 and now FORMAT the Japaness partition FAT
32.  You will loose ALL DATA!

5.  Now boot with a Win98 boot disk.  At the command prompt go to the D:
drive, change directoty to WIN98.  Start SETUP and you are off.

Other ways would be to just create a WIN98 directory on the C: drive, copy
the WIN98 files, boot to a Win98 disk, delete all files except the Win98 and
then run SETUP from the Win98 directory.

I would get all the L2 drivers off the Toshiba site and copy them to floppy
disks so you can get the hardware running that Win98 doesn't have.

Good luck!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Keith Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Libretto" <>
Sent: Monday, August 01, 2005 6:43 PM
Subject: [LIB] L2 and Japanese Windows

Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2005 18:57:10 -0400
From: "Keith Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: L2 and Japanese Windows

Hi everyone,

This may be a tired topic to many of you, but I'm looking for a little help.

I'm currently looking to by a L2 from someone who said the machine has
Japanese Windows ME installed on it. He also said he has tried,
unsuccessfully, to install an English version on it, too.

The machine comes with an external CD drive, which is not a Toshiba brand
and therefore cannot boot from that drive, the guy said.

I am by no means a computer expert and have little knowledge or expertise in
this field. But I don't read Japanese. I can barely read English.

It's a good deal, this machine. I don't want to let it go just because I
can't figure out how to install the software. Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance,


Keith Brown
Reporter, Asbury Park Press
(732) 643-4076 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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