Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2005 02:59:46 +0000
From: "Matthew Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [LIB] Libretto 70CT - mp3 player choppy / memory usage / which 

From: "Jon DuQueno" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Maybe it's some unnecessary windows component using up memory? I selected
typical install not laptop/portable, I wanted a bunch of stuff that wasn't
in laptop default components. When I was installing it looked like the
laptop/portable option was just to save disk space not CPU & memory?

I used to customize W98SE setup, but only added a few things like System Monitor and Character Map. But it's so darned easy to add them later that I gave up doing it during OS installation. That, as no matter how many times I've done it before, it seems inevitable that it'll take 2-3-4 attempts to get Windows set up properly. [EMAIL PROTECTED] That's why David keeps recommending making an image (Ghost et al) after you get an OS installed and tweaked.

I'll have a play with it later. Think I saw some XP style task / memory
manager (some Russian app?) online somewhere? might show what processes are
using the memory up.

I don't understand why you're seeing 10% CPU in SM, and me 100%

>You didn't mention anything about sound in DOS for Doom. Did that in fact
>work for you?

Yes doom 2 worked fine without any sound driver, although I've had the sound
die a couple of times mid game.

Argg... Did you end up installing the 70CT sound drivers after W98SE loaded?

I just copied the folder straight from
backup of an old machine. Maybe it was because the sound config was already
setup for my old machine and worked the same? Or doom 2 uses updated sound

I have no ideas there. I think I only installed Doom 1.

>Is that with no apps running?  I'm not quite sure what you've got System
>Monitor set to, but with 'Add Item > Kernal > Processor Usage (%)' set on
>my 70, and nothing running. I'm getting a green line that is maxed at 100%.
>It seems to stay there when I run apps too.  I don't see a setting in SM
>specifically for idle CPU usage.

Yes 'Add Item > Kernal > Processor Usage (%)', Just checked again still only
10% when idle (just a bumpy red line along the bottom on mine).

Something's not right there.

Manager->Allocated Memory' is 36.6MB, 'Swapfile in use' is 0 MB and 'unused
physical memory' is 2.6MB ish.

I wonder if your W98SE Virtual Memory is handling your swapfile poorly. With nothing running, System Monitor on my 70 shows 2.6M of the swapfile in use. And the current size of the swapfile to be 29MB.

Do you have your Virtual Memory set to let Windows manage the settings? I've tried teaking things manually a lot in the past, and have always returned to having Windows manage it.

Strange that yours reads 100%, maybe some
background app eating up spare CPU cycles.

And you didn't load any kind of antivirus, firewall, or other resource hungry app that may be hiding?

You could try downloading a little utility I use a lot to check W98 for running apps that the W98SE 'Task Manger' doesn't. It's called TaskInfo2002. It helped me spot a hidden .exe for some virus I managed to pick up some time back. I use it a lot now. I type the names of running components (is that the right term??) in Google to find out it they're inherent to W98SE or not.

>With nothing running, SM shows about 5Mb unused physical memory on my 70.
>I'll admit, I'm not sure what that represents.  When I open Eudora, that
>drops to near zero. Starting Winamp, it stays at zero. But closing Winamp
>causes it to pop up to 3.7Mb.  Then closing Eudora pushes it up to 8.8Mb.

When computer runs out of physical memory it starts using the 'swapfile'
(virtual memory on the hard drive) which is much slower.

Actually... it seems that's exactly what the swapfile is for... to >speed up< things due to limited physical memory... isn't it? The folks over at the Compuserve WUGNET forums could answer that. You may want to post your problem over there. I'd have a go at reinstalling W98SE again 1st though.

Looks like I may
have some extra windows components eating up some memory, don't think they
all show in crappy 98 task manager.

See TaskInfo2000 above.

How may colours do you run windows in,
I'm currently using 16 bit in windows and 222K in bios.

Yeah... I'm set to 16 bit, 640x480, and 222k in BIOS too.


Wanted: 110 motherboard or bare bones 110 system

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