Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2005 06:17:28 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: RE: [LIB] Libretto 70CT - mp3 player choppy / memory usage / which 

may want to try mpxplay (spelling?). great little player that works great
on the 70 even with 16MB of ram.

> Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2005 14:10:37 +0100
> From: "Jon DuQueno" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: [LIB] Libretto 70CT - mp3 player choppy / memory usage /
> which windows
>>Argg... Did you end up installing the 70CT sound drivers after W98SE
> loaded?
> Yes I installed them to see if it would help with MP3 playing (didn't make
> any difference), I had to change the audio settings in doom 2 to get sound
> working again. Seems to have cured the problem with sound dying while
> playing doom 2 :)
> Anyhow who needs Doom when you can have Duke Nukem 3D :P
>>I used to customize W98SE setup, but only added a few things like System
>>Monitor and Character Map.  But it's so darned easy to add them later
>> that
>>I  gave up doing it during OS installation.  That, as no matter how many
>>times I've done it before, it seems inevitable that it'll take 2-3-4
>>attempts to get Windows set up properly. [EMAIL PROTECTED]  That's why David 
>>recommending making an image (Ghost et al) after you get an OS installed
>>and tweaked.
> I'm going to play around with this install to see what works well and what
> doesn't. Then I'll probably try a fresh install maybe using Win98Lite.
> Then
> I might try making an image. How do you make image, do you mean Norton
> Ghost?
>>>Think I saw some XP style task / memory
>>>manager (some Russian app?) online somewhere? might show what processes
>>>are using the memory up.
>>You could try downloading a little utility I use a lot to check W98 for
>>running apps that the W98SE 'Task Manger' doesn't. It's called
>> TaskInfo2002
> Found that Russian program "Amn Task Manager" Haven't tried
> installing it yet, anyone used it?
>>Do you have your Virtual Memory set to let Windows manage the settings?
>>I've tried tweaking things manually a lot in the past, and have always
>>returned to having Windows manage it.
>>And you didn't load any kind of antivirus, firewall, or other resource
>>hungry app that may be hiding?
> Virtual memory is windows managed. Haven't installed virus checker or
> firewall yet. Any virus checker recommendations?
> Anyone know any good benchmark / system info software?
> Jon D
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matthew Hanson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 21 October 2005 04:01
> To: Libretto
> Subject: RE: [LIB] Libretto 70CT - mp3 player choppy / memory usage /
> which
> windows
> Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2005 02:59:46 +0000
> From: "Matthew Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: [LIB] Libretto 70CT - mp3 player choppy / memory usage /
> which
> windows
>  components
>>From: "Jon DuQueno" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Maybe it's some unnecessary windows component using up memory? I selected
>>typical install not laptop/portable, I wanted a bunch of stuff that
>> wasn't
>>in laptop default components. When I was installing it looked like the
>>laptop/portable option was just to save disk space not CPU & memory?
> I used to customize W98SE setup, but only added a few things like System
> Monitor and Character Map.  But it's so darned easy to add them later that
> I
> gave up doing it during OS installation.  That, as no matter how many
> times
> I've done it before, it seems inevitable that it'll take 2-3-4 attempts to
> get Windows set up properly. [EMAIL PROTECTED]  That's why David keeps 
> recommending
> making an image (Ghost et al) after you get an OS installed and tweaked.
>>I'll have a play with it later. Think I saw some XP style task / memory
>>manager (some Russian app?) online somewhere? might show what processes
>> are
>>using the memory up.
> I don't understand why you're seeing 10% CPU in SM, and me 100%
>> >You didn't mention anything about sound in DOS for Doom.  Did that in
>> >work for you?
>>Yes doom 2 worked fine without any sound driver, although I've had the
>>die a couple of times mid game.
> Argg... Did you end up installing the 70CT sound drivers after W98SE
> loaded?
>>I just copied the folder straight from
>>backup of an old machine. Maybe it was because the sound config was
>> already
>>setup for my old machine and worked the same? Or doom 2 uses updated
>> sound
> I have no ideas there. I think I only installed Doom 1.
>> >Is that with no apps running?  I'm not quite sure what you've got
>> System
>> >Monitor set to, but with 'Add Item > Kernal > Processor Usage (%)' set
>> on
>> >my 70, and nothing running. I'm getting a green line that is maxed at
>> >It seems to stay there when I run apps too.  I don't see a setting in
>> SM
>> >specifically for idle CPU usage.
>>Yes 'Add Item > Kernal > Processor Usage (%)', Just checked again still
>>10% when idle (just a bumpy red line along the bottom on mine).
> Something's not right there.
>>Manager->Allocated Memory' is 36.6MB, 'Swapfile in use' is 0 MB and
>> 'unused
>>physical memory' is 2.6MB ish.
> I wonder if your W98SE Virtual Memory is handling your swapfile poorly.
> With nothing running, System Monitor on my 70 shows 2.6M of the swapfile
> in
> use.  And the current size of the swapfile to be 29MB.
> Do you have your Virtual Memory set to let Windows manage the settings?
> I've tried teaking things manually a lot in the past, and have always
> returned to having Windows manage it.
>>Strange that yours reads 100%, maybe some
>>background app eating up spare CPU cycles.
> And you didn't load any kind of antivirus, firewall, or other resource
> hungry app that may be hiding?
> You could try downloading a little utility I use a lot to check W98 for
> running apps that the W98SE 'Task Manger' doesn't. It's called
> TaskInfo2002.
>   It helped me spot a hidden .exe for some virus I managed to pick up some
> time back.  I use it a lot now.  I type the names of running components
> (is
> that the right term??) in Google to find out it they're inherent to W98SE
> or
> not.
>> >With nothing running, SM shows about 5Mb unused physical memory on my
>> 70.
>> >I'll admit, I'm not sure what that represents.  When I open Eudora,
>> that
>> >drops to near zero.  Starting Winamp, it stays at zero.  But closing
>> >causes it to pop up to 3.7Mb.  Then closing Eudora pushes it up to
>> 8.8Mb.
>>When computer runs out of physical memory it starts using the 'swapfile'
>>(virtual memory on the hard drive) which is much slower.
> Actually... it seems that's exactly what the swapfile is for... to >speed
> up< things due to limited physical memory... isn't it?  The folks over at
> the Compuserve WUGNET forums could answer that.  You may want to post your
> problem over there.  I'd have a go at reinstalling W98SE again 1st though.
>>Looks like I may
>>have some extra windows components eating up some memory, don't think
>> they
>>all show in crappy 98 task manager.
> See TaskInfo2000 above.
>>How may colours do you run windows in,
>>I'm currently using 16 bit in windows and 222K in bios.
> Yeah... I'm set to 16 bit, 640x480, and 222k in BIOS too.
> Matt
> Wanted: 110 motherboard or bare bones 110 system
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