Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2006 15:42:56 -0800 (PST)
From: David Chien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Seagate 160GB HD now available for sale at retailers

For example, for $355, you can now get it from one of my favorite distributors
online -  Obviously, a very expensive drive vs. the <$200 120GB
& 100GB HDs out earlier.

Good for newer Librettos that can handle the larger HDs w/o a drive image
overlay program; older Librettos (probably everything below a Libretto L1
series) w/o UDMA IDE connectors most likely will have trouble handling anything
over the ~120GB too-old BIOS limit.  (Of course, we won't know for sure unless
someone buys and tests, but probably ....)

Thus, for now, the <=120GB HDs out on the market will most likely be the
'largest' 2.5" HD you can drop into any Libretto from the L20 on up (you'll
need to use a drive overlay program, do fancy formatting/fdisking per prior
posted threads, or use an OS such as W2K/WXP/Linux that supports HDs larger
than what the Libretto BIOS can see by itself). 

 The >120GB HDs will require BIOS support of this + HW support of large HDs,
and it's unknown at this time if any Libretto can correctly function and see
the entire >120GB HD, even with a drive overlay program.

 Nevertheless, it is a good HD to use to upgrade modern, regular laptops, and
this will allow users with 3-drive bays on their laptops to upgrade to a 1/2
tetrabyte of online storage on their laptops =)

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